At thingnario, we believe that Internet of Things immense potential and can be applied to every scenario in energy sector.

At thingnario, we believe that Internet of Things immense potential and can be applied to every scenario in energy sector.

About thingnario

About thingnario

About thingnario

At thingnario, we are on a mission to mitigate the information technology gap in the industrial control field. Our vision is to revolutionize the industrial domain by leveraging our extensive expertise in software and technology, and to help businesses achieve digital transformation and innovation.

thingnario is currently dedicated to the energy industry and strives to bring innovative products and unique designs. We specialize in PV monitoring and O&M management services, using state-of-the-art technology to help our clients optimize their energy usage and enhance their workforce's efficiency.

We pride ourselves on having a team of highly experienced software professionals. With an average of more than 10 years of experience in the industry, our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop and deliver innovative solutions to our clients. What sets us apart from other companies is our team's strong work ethic and collaborative spirit. Each member of our team is a founder, which means that we are all committed to working together to achieve our goals and deliver outstanding results to our clients.

At thingnario, we are on a mission to mitigate the information technology gap in the industrial control field. Our vision is to revolutionize the industrial domain by leveraging our extensive expertise in software and technology, and to help businesses achieve digital transformation and innovation.

thingnario is currently dedicated to the energy industry and strives to bring innovative products and unique designs. We specialize in PV monitoring and O&M management services, using state-of-the-art technology to help our clients optimize their energy usage and enhance their workforce's efficiency.

We pride ourselves on having a team of highly experienced software professionals. With an average of more than 10 years of experience in the industry, our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop and deliver innovative solutions to our clients. What sets us apart from other companies is our team's strong work ethic and collaborative spirit. Each member of our team is a founder, which means that we are all committed to working together to achieve our goals and deliver outstanding results to our clients.

News Center

News Center

News Center

台電再生能源配電管理系統 新創慧景獨家開發

|05/02/2024 DIGITIMES

近期台灣因數次地震再度引發各界對於供電穩定的討論。台電先前釋出超過 5,600 億預算的強韌電網計畫,但電網韌性除了市場關注…

因應能源轉型!台電與慧景科技合作強化電網 推出智慧充電系統

|04/30/2024 聯合新聞網



穩定電網不可或缺,儲能、電動車充電將納入台電 DREAMS 管理系統

|04/30/2024 TechNews

台電與慧景科技合作開發的「配電級再生能源管理系統 DREAMS 」,目前已掌握與控制超過 …

台電與慧景科技合作開發的「配電級再生能源管理系統 DREAMS 」,目前已掌握與控制超過 2,800 個…

幫太陽能廠「抓漏」,每年多賺 1.5 萬戶用電量,門外漢用 AI 吃綠能商機

幫太陽能廠「抓漏」,每年多賺 1.5 萬戶用電量,門外漢用 AI 吃綠能商機

|08/30/2023 天下雜誌

全台市佔最高太陽能 AI 監控系統廠慧景,協助客戶一年守住可能散失的 6000 萬度電。他們不是市…

台灣軟體新創攜手泰國能源上市龍頭 雙方簽署 MOU

|10/12/2023 工商時報

新創團隊慧景科技在台灣光電監控市場持續成長,年度同期已成長 31.5%,近日更成功外銷海外,與泰國上市公司海灣能源開發公司…

慧景科技協助韋能能源 管理太陽能光電島

|05/23/2023 工商時報

慧景科技長期深耕能源 AIoT 領域,跨國管理超過 4,500 個太陽能光電站,總裝置容量2.4GW,為台灣光電市占率最高的監控廠商…

Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

is to mitigate the IT technology gap in the physical industry.

Our Vision

is to create software service by combining IT technology and domain knowledge for business innovation.

Our Core Technology

Our Core Technology

Our Core Technology

Sensor Data AI Capability

Solar production forecast essentially depends on sunlight and temperature, themselves influenced by different phenomena (clouds, fog, wind, etc.). Our solution takes into account a series of parameters, making it possible to provide the finest, most efficient and advanced solar production forecast on the market.

Managing both time-series and transaction big data is one of the most prominent issues when venturing into the world of the Internet of Things. Managing heterogeneous data generated by millions and millions of sensors, devices and gateways, each with their own data structures and potentially becoming connected and integrated over the course of many years, databases require new levels of flexibility, agility and scalability.